Our Team

Lang Elliott - Team Photo

Lang Elliott

Hi all! I am a well-known professional nature recordist and the author of numerous audio guides to birds and other wildlife. Notably, I suffer from high frequency deafness (read my story here), which makes me the perfect “poster child” for our cause.

In spite of my disability, I have authored numerous audio guides to bird and other wildlife sounds and I’m also the creator of Pure Nature 3D Audio, an iOS app that features immersive soundscapes from wild areas across North America. You can learn more about me on my Music of Nature website.


Harold Mills - Team Photo

Harold Mills

I’m a computer programmer, audio signal processing engineer, bird enthusiast, and musician who’s been in love with sound all my life. I’ve focused on audio in most of my work, including at the Cornell Lab of Ornithology, where for six years I was the lead developer of the Raven sound analysis software, and more recently as the developer of the Vesper acoustic bird migration monitoring software.

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